Friday, May 11, 2012

Is your Business Heart Healthy?

By: Cheryl Jaycox, Co-founder of The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community

      You strive to keep yourself in shape, keep your heart healthy, and your body strong. Through the media and our doctors our society has learned what is required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We have been taught the correct foods to eat. We know how much exercise we must attain each day. Do we all achieve this healthy lifestyle? Do we have the motivation or the incentive? Those that dedicate themselves to eating healthy food and exercising daily have the body and health to prove their results. Those of us that do just enough to maintain the same jean size have the health and the bodies we experience every day.

So is your business strong and healthy?

            What do you do each day to grow your business and increase your profits? I don’t mean the creation of your products or the day to day efforts put into the paperwork of running a business. What effort do you put into keeping updated on new trends in business? Do you meet new people; build new business relationships? Attend network events, seminars or workshops? Do you dedicate a certain number of hours to working on new marketing ideas? These are some of the things that keep your business heart healthy. The pulse of your dream needs to keep pumping fresh ideas and marketing innovations into the life's blood of your business venture.

            No matter what size business you have, joining a coworking community is the way to keep the heart of your business healthy and growing strong. Coworking community members support one another. They keep each other abreast of new products or services to help their business and personal lives thrive. You would be amazed to see how easy it is to build relationships and trust with other members when you work cohesively with them or see them constantly within the community. You obtain your own personal marketing and sales forces. Coworking Communities present networking events, seminars, key speaker series, and educational workshops. Coworking Communities also host “Jellys”, free coworking events opened to all with specific topics. During these events you have the ability to work independently and yet you are collaborating together to achieve a common goal.    This experience offers the opportunity to focus on marketing strategy, blog topics, or any project you have put off and need to dedicate time to. A “Jelly “can also provide you with a needed focus group. (Coming Soon… NO, a “Jelly” is not the inside of a doughnut).

            Whether you are a small or start up business, a representative of a larger company or firm, or have your own company building and employees. A coworking community is the way to build your business image and your reputation which is the HEART of your business. Keep the heartbeat of your company healthy with coworking! The place you can achieve your business desires is at                     The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community in Fenton, Mo. St. Louis County. The HIVE@44 provides you the tools needed to experience a growing and healthy business!

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