Thursday, August 16, 2012

The HIVE 44 Business Coworking Community:

GENerosity GENeration Key Questions
and Tenacity
Tenacity, we accept that this is an excellent quality in many successful people. A few days ago I held my first Open Door Mondays at the HIVE 44 and I had invited a young gentleman who is currently looking for a job in his profession, a new graduate in Economics.  I had met him at The Big Bash at the Fox Theater a few months ago, and then ran into him again at the Missouri Networking  St. Charles/St. Louis in which he was kind enough to assist me during a talk about coworking.

On this Open Door Monday when he came in, I gave him a little tour of the HIVE 44 and showed him where to plug in and the passcodes, soon he was submerged in his laptop.  Throughout the day I would go check on him to see how he was doing and to introduce him to members as they came in.  At the end of the day, as he was packing up I asked him, “How the job hunting was going?” He replied that he was still holding out for his dream job, but he had taken a job at the local Schnucks as a cashier to pay the bills until he could find what he was looking for. Now I pause to tell you what his dream job is…he wants to get his foot in the door of the St. Louis Federal Reserve. So I continued to asked him,” What have you done so far to get your resume to the HR at the Federal Reserve? This is what he told me, He went to the Federal Reserve building and walked in the front door, where he was immediately met by the guards. He walked up to the guard and asked him if he could just take his resume and card to the HR Department? “NO”, was the guard answer. Thinking for a second, he asked, well can YOU take it to the HR Department for me? “NO” was the guards reply. Thinking quickly once again, he asked, Okay so if you wanted to get your resume and card into the HR office what would you do? The guard thought about it and said, “Wait outside” And that is what he has been doing on his days off from his “okay for now job” I had to smile at the dedication to succeed in this young man.  In the spirit of the Generosity Generation,my next question was, “What can I do to help you?” What I can do is reach out to everyone in the hopes that someone out there knows someone that can help him reach is dream job. If you have any contacts at the St. Louis Federal Reserve please contact me and I will give you his information. Be part of the Generosity Generation!

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