Thursday, August 16, 2012

The HIVE 44 Business Coworking Community:

GENerosity GENeration Key Questions
and Tenacity
Tenacity, we accept that this is an excellent quality in many successful people. A few days ago I held my first Open Door Mondays at the HIVE 44 and I had invited a young gentleman who is currently looking for a job in his profession, a new graduate in Economics.  I had met him at The Big Bash at the Fox Theater a few months ago, and then ran into him again at the Missouri Networking  St. Charles/St. Louis in which he was kind enough to assist me during a talk about coworking.

On this Open Door Monday when he came in, I gave him a little tour of the HIVE 44 and showed him where to plug in and the passcodes, soon he was submerged in his laptop.  Throughout the day I would go check on him to see how he was doing and to introduce him to members as they came in.  At the end of the day, as he was packing up I asked him, “How the job hunting was going?” He replied that he was still holding out for his dream job, but he had taken a job at the local Schnucks as a cashier to pay the bills until he could find what he was looking for. Now I pause to tell you what his dream job is…he wants to get his foot in the door of the St. Louis Federal Reserve. So I continued to asked him,” What have you done so far to get your resume to the HR at the Federal Reserve? This is what he told me, He went to the Federal Reserve building and walked in the front door, where he was immediately met by the guards. He walked up to the guard and asked him if he could just take his resume and card to the HR Department? “NO”, was the guard answer. Thinking for a second, he asked, well can YOU take it to the HR Department for me? “NO” was the guards reply. Thinking quickly once again, he asked, Okay so if you wanted to get your resume and card into the HR office what would you do? The guard thought about it and said, “Wait outside” And that is what he has been doing on his days off from his “okay for now job” I had to smile at the dedication to succeed in this young man.  In the spirit of the Generosity Generation,my next question was, “What can I do to help you?” What I can do is reach out to everyone in the hopes that someone out there knows someone that can help him reach is dream job. If you have any contacts at the St. Louis Federal Reserve please contact me and I will give you his information. Be part of the Generosity Generation!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Coworking Coming to St. Louis County


Contact Person: Cheryl Jaycox

Company Name: The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community

Voice Phone Number: 636-405-3130 or mobile: 314-800-4305

Website URL:

Coworking Coming to St. Louis County


The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community unofficially opened its doors on May 2, 2012. To celebrate the first Coworking Business Community in St. Louis County, we will be hosting a Launch Party, May 24th, 2012 sponsored by Charter Communications Business. The celebration will kick-off with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony enacted by the Fenton Area Chamber of Commerce.

              The HIVE @ 44 Business Coworking Community is a membership based workspace. Some of the amenities included are: access to workspace, high speed internet connection, office equipment, meeting rooms, training area, reception area, kitchenette, lounge area, and a Child-Friendly Romper Room for members and their guests. The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community is not just an affordable workspace for small companies, home based professionals, startup businesses and other independent workers. We combine everything a company needs to run their business. We offer networking opportunities and business development in the form of workshops, seminars, key speakers and many other programs. These resources are inspired by member participation that is designed to increase entrepreneur knowledge, reputation, and build solid business relationships to create a thriving business.

            Cheryl Jaycox, co- founder states, “I like to compare The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community to that of a health club or gym membership. Like a gym, you have everything you need to stay healthy and in good shape. We give a company everything it needs to grow their business and keep it healthy. Just like a gym, the more you participate in a coworking community the healthier and stronger your business will become.”

            The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community is conveniently located for members and their clients At 1710 Fenpark Dr. Fenton, MO., at Hwy 44 and 270. It is easily accessible to Downtown, Chesterfield, Clayton, Westport, Ballwin, Kirkwood, South County, and Jefferson County. Memberships are designed for any stage of business with costs beginning at $50.00 per month.

            Coworking is not something new. It gained renewed popularity in 2008 with the tech community on the east coast and began growing rapidly in areas of high population, and high business start-up costs. It began to reach other business spheres besides the tech community as well. From just over 300 centers around the world two years ago, to nearly 800 today and still growing!

            The rise of the coworking popularity is fueled by a number of things. More women, freelancers, and solo entrepreneurs are entering the workforce. Also economic pressures from larger firms have increased the need for off-site employees to cut costs. In kind, technology has increased to the point we have become a mobile workforce and can work from virtually anywhere. This has created a greater demand for flexible work space. 

            Inspired by other coworking centers around the United States such as, Alex Hillman, of Philadelphia's Indy Hall, and Jerome Chang of BLANKSPACES in LA, The HIVE@44 will be the newest of a handful of business coworking communities in the St. Louis area.

            Coworking is not “just” about the workspace. Coworking is about actually working with other people with the same goals, the same concerns, and the same dream of owning their own successful and profitable business. It is about escaping the isolation and the distractions of working alone. It is about surrounding yourself with professional individuals who are striving to succeed, as well as motivating and inspiring you along the way. It is about building strong, lasting business and personal relationships with other members for solid referral generation. It is about community, communicating with peers and assisting one another to achieve your goals and aspirations for your business.

            Don Jaycox, co-founder, states “The current economic climate has changed the way people do business. Not terribly long ago, the only way to advance yourself in a business was to work for a large conglomerate and work your way up the ladder. Now, you have the opportunity to start your own company from your living room, however that is not the quickest way to being successful. The HIVE@44 gives you the infrastructure needed to see your business strive.”

            We encourage you to come to our Launch Party and see exactly what The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community has to offer your budding venture. With our Coworking Opportunities the possibilities are endless!

            Coworking inspires and challenges you to do more, go further and think bigger!

Is your Business Heart Healthy?

By: Cheryl Jaycox, Co-founder of The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community

      You strive to keep yourself in shape, keep your heart healthy, and your body strong. Through the media and our doctors our society has learned what is required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We have been taught the correct foods to eat. We know how much exercise we must attain each day. Do we all achieve this healthy lifestyle? Do we have the motivation or the incentive? Those that dedicate themselves to eating healthy food and exercising daily have the body and health to prove their results. Those of us that do just enough to maintain the same jean size have the health and the bodies we experience every day.

So is your business strong and healthy?

            What do you do each day to grow your business and increase your profits? I don’t mean the creation of your products or the day to day efforts put into the paperwork of running a business. What effort do you put into keeping updated on new trends in business? Do you meet new people; build new business relationships? Attend network events, seminars or workshops? Do you dedicate a certain number of hours to working on new marketing ideas? These are some of the things that keep your business heart healthy. The pulse of your dream needs to keep pumping fresh ideas and marketing innovations into the life's blood of your business venture.

            No matter what size business you have, joining a coworking community is the way to keep the heart of your business healthy and growing strong. Coworking community members support one another. They keep each other abreast of new products or services to help their business and personal lives thrive. You would be amazed to see how easy it is to build relationships and trust with other members when you work cohesively with them or see them constantly within the community. You obtain your own personal marketing and sales forces. Coworking Communities present networking events, seminars, key speaker series, and educational workshops. Coworking Communities also host “Jellys”, free coworking events opened to all with specific topics. During these events you have the ability to work independently and yet you are collaborating together to achieve a common goal.    This experience offers the opportunity to focus on marketing strategy, blog topics, or any project you have put off and need to dedicate time to. A “Jelly “can also provide you with a needed focus group. (Coming Soon… NO, a “Jelly” is not the inside of a doughnut).

            Whether you are a small or start up business, a representative of a larger company or firm, or have your own company building and employees. A coworking community is the way to build your business image and your reputation which is the HEART of your business. Keep the heartbeat of your company healthy with coworking! The place you can achieve your business desires is at                     The HIVE@44 Business Coworking Community in Fenton, Mo. St. Louis County. The HIVE@44 provides you the tools needed to experience a growing and healthy business!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No, A “JELLY” is not the stuff inside a doughnut!

By: Cheryl Jaycox, Co-founder of The HIVE@44

                                             So, what is a “JELLY”?

  Numerous times in the last few months, whenever I was with a group of people. Whether they were business associates, friends, or family (yes, I aggravate, I mean poll family too!). I would excitedly explain coworking, actually I couldn’t shut up about it.  I would ask them a variety of questions, trying to get a feel of what was needed for our business community. I was also intent on discovering what was necessary to provide for a startup company, to help them hit the floor running. Explaining coworking and the benefits has been, and will continue to be an educational process. Most people don't understand how important this can be for all stages of their business.

     In the midst of my enthusiastic proclamations, the most blank faces and furrowed brows came when I proudly announced, “I am going to host a Jelly every other week.”.   A vast number of  inquiries followed, “A what?” “Do what?” “A Jelly bean?” or a “huh?’. But the most amusing was,” Isn’t that the stuff inside a doughnut?”.

    No, a “JELLY” is not the stuff inside a doughnut! A “JELLY” is a very casual coworking event. People from all business spheres and their personal acquaintances get out of their homes, away from the normal business environment and come together with other like-minded individuals. A “Jelly” is a mixture of work, chat, the comparing of ideas, and the passing on of relevant advice. A “Jelly” can also facilitate the birth of a new project or collaboration. A “Jelly” can concentrate on one particular subject such as, “Best practices for the marketing of your business”. You can also discuss a plethora of other subjects, from recipes to business contracts. It is an excellent time to socialize with many different people, in various stages of life.

     “Jelly” attendees bring food and drink, brown paper bag it, or order out at a local community restaurant or pizza place. Some show off their talents in the kitchen with a potluck. Just about anything goes at a “Jelly”.

     There are virtually “No Rules” at a “JELLY”. Many times, they take on a life of their own. It depends upon the subjects being discussed and the people in attendance. Although, a “Jelly” is not the place to promote your products or services. Plenty of networking events provide for advertising your business. It is a great way to make business contacts on a more personal level. A “Jelly” is the place where YOU promote YOU. A “Jelly”  is an event where everybody engages with each other through human contact and interaction. This is a place to build real relationships that can later be turned into new business opportunities.

            I encourage everyone to come and try a “JELLY” Night. I strongly believe in the power of coworking and a” Jelly”! It allows new business owners, independents, freelancers and home-based professionals to get out of the house, pick up advice, and new ideas. You have the occasion to learn something unique and inspiring. 

         I also believe that, by this being a business/social brainstorming event. It can be a perfect time to invite your friends, family, and spouses who are not normally subjected to networking and working in an independent environment. They can join us and get a better understanding of what startups, small business owners and freelancers can do when we all come together to learn or share information, we can all succeed at our business and increase our profits.

Where cool, creative and interesting people do their thing…..

So find a “Jelly”, have some fun, meet some new people, and build some lasting relationships!

It’s “JELLY” Time!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Coworking theFuture

This is my very first blog, so any professional bloggers I apologize. My husband and I are opening our business coworking community. We have been researching for over an year and building out our space for the last three months. We will be opening in Jan.2012.
This is my attempt to learn to blog....Pick a subject that you are passionate about...for me coworking.
So I will begin to blog about the future of coworking and pass along interesting information that I come across hoping to help others who are begining their spaces or looking for a space...